
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hatha Yoga for Beginners: Tools for Happiness

...others, but remember that playing music requires the right time and place.

There are many Yoga and meditation books available. There are also many useful CDs and DVDs, which can teach you new things about Yoga. It is advisable to take notes on the Yoga techniques demonstrated, before jumping into an at-home Yoga or meditation practice.

Before you ever learn to meditate, you must first learn to relax. Many Yoga students want to get straight to meditation, and are upset, with themselves, for relaxing. There is no need to make Yoga meditation into a goal, a problem, or a stressful situation.

Even if you fall asleep who cares? No one is counting score. Self-study with Yoga books, CDs, music, DVDs, or Yoga teacher certification is at your own pace. Too many of us are in a rush without having a purpose. Enjoy the journey and smell the flowers as you go.

Another tool for happiness and foc...more

Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered

...If you practice yoga even only once a week, for an hour each time, you will definitely feel the benefits. The more you practice the more benefits you will feel. Start with what you are comfortable with, if you can manage to practice two or three times a week, for an hour or more, this would be much better for you.

Unlike other forms of exercise, yoga doesn't have the after sessions 'hurts'. You should only practice yoga to where you feel comfortable with your movements. Do not overdo any of the postures or positions. You will feel the difference soon enough and your wish to keep this feeling will most likely have you doing regular sessions daily.

Learning the correct way to breathe is a...more

Ayurveda and Yoga


Those, who think that just by practicing a set of difficult physical exercises, they achieve a state of enlightment, are deeply mistaken. Working with the body is only the first step on the way to spiritual progress. When one controls the func...more

The Philosophy of Yoga and How It Applies to Modern Society

...provide spiritual practises, which enable a seeker to accelerate his journey of self-discovery. While religion is often concerned with outer forms and outer rituals, yoga is concerned with individual development and the practical application of spiritual ideas. Yoga encompasses all religions but at the same time goes beyond them.

The teachings of Yoga originated many thousands of years ago when the Vedic Seers first started to write down their spiritual discoveries and spiritual realizations. Since the Vedic times the teachings of yoga have been refined and updated through a long succession of spiritual Masters and teachers. Although the teachings of yoga have been revised; the essential message of yoga has remained the same; Atmanam viddhi Know Thyself. Although ...more

Yoga Video Tape26p Xx