
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 1 is a long journey.

Bhakti Yoga, as mentioned earlier, is the Yoga of Devotion and more emphasis is placed on spiritual and mental health. Religious practices, of any faith, will be much more pronounced within a group of Bhakti Yoga practitioners.

To put it simply, Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit for complete health. There are far more benefits to be realized through the constant practice of Hatha Yoga, or any other kind of Yoga, but this is the foundation of unity. Physical mastery is constructive and, at the very least, keeps us healthy.

please bear in mind that all forms of Yoga may overlap in aspects of complete and whole health, but the emphasis within each style will be different. For example: In a Hatha Yoga class, physical, mental, and spiritual mastery ma...more

benefits Of Yoga During Pregnancy

...Yoga has been used for centuries to alleviate stress and to help a person stay physically and mentally fit. Yoga is also beneficial during pregnancy as it helps the woman to stay fit and prepare of the childbirth.

Yoga helps a pregnant woman to relax and there are certain yoga exercises that help the woman to control her breathing for labor and also help her strengthen her muscles that are inv...more

What Yoga Teaching Level Do You Start From and How Do You Progress to the Next Level?

...Training to become a yoga teacher is exciting. People who become yoga teachers are generally those who have been practicing yoga for several years and have a basic understanding of the different aspects of yoga. Once you have completed your training, you may wonder what opportunities are available for you to begin teaching others the fine art of yoga.

A lot of this depends on your level of certification, if you have achieved certification, and what your personal goals are for teaching yoga. For instance, do you want to teach at a facility in your area? Are you willing to travel to find a teaching position? Or do you prefer to open your own facility and take ownership?

Certification Matters

When applying for a position as a yoga teacher at a facility such as a yoga studio, health club, college or retirement h...more

Hatha Yoga

...Patanjali collected the yoga knowledge available in 2 A.D. and wrote a treatise called Yoga Sutra. The yoga of Patanjali has 8 limbs to be practiced in sequence. They are Yama (restraint), Niyama (observance), asana (posture), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (ecstasy). The end of yoga after Samadhi would be the union of individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.

In the modern age, yoga has come to mean basically Hatha Yoga, Ha meaning sun and Tha meaning moon unites i...more

Tyler Texas Yoga Ball