
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What You Get From A PSP: Sony PSP Features Reviewed

...You can throw anything to the Sony Playstation Portable and chances are its going to play. But what are Sony Playstation Portable features? Is it worth its price? These are some of the main features available on the Sony playstation Portable

Gaming is what Sony Playstation Portable is all about. The large screen measuring 4.3 inch wide screen give ample view of the games you play with crisp 16.77 millioin colors. In other word, the screen of your Playstation Portable is as big as the whole iPod! For a handheld gaming console, the PSP crisp display is a sight to behold, no pun intended.

If you have been following the progress of the PSP, you must have heard about PSP homebrew. The first time I heard of PSP Homebrew I thought it was some illegal home made concoction. Well, you are not far off. The PSP homebrew is an independent software made to run on the PSP. It allows PSP to emulate other gaming console. Even though this is not a standard feature for the PSP, it definit...more

nintendo Wii review

...single and multi player fun. Tennis, golf, and baseball work just like one would expect, and when you plug in the Nunchuk the boxing mini game can really help you work up a sweat. For the more traditional hit games nintendo has upgraded Super Mario Brothers with Super Mario galaxy and the popular Legends of Zelda with the release of Twilight Princess. New games like Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party and Guitar Hero III has revolutionized the way games are played. nintendo has also come out with the new Wii Zapper to use with games like Crossbow Training and Medal of Honor: Heros 2. Just slide the remote into the barrel and the Nunchuk in the rear and you are ready for any shooter game.

The Wii would not be ranked with the next generation of gaming consoles without an online component. Wii comes standard with Wi-Fi capabilities, which makes it simple to connect to a home wir...more

Next-Gen Console Focus: nintendo Wii - And then there were Three - I mean Wii

...ii can take a standard CD - it will NOT playback DVD, unless nintendo is going to change things at the last moment. This seems to be a failure as all of the other consoles can do DVD playback. This may be a marketing ploy for nintendo as they are not making the Wii a home entertainment center, but a home gaming center. I'd like DVD playback for the Wii - it makes sense - but I'm not building the toy.

Two things really stand out for the wii securing a big future quite quickly.

Backwards-Compatablity The wii is built to be able to load both it's own games, and any Gamecube game. It's slot-disc loader can take both sizes, which is a first for game consoles and may be a mixed bag if the slot-loading mechanism can get easily fouled. The wii can play all of the Gamecube games, work with the Gamecube memory cards, and also allow you to use Gamecube controllers. For affordability, this means people who have spent a bunch on their GC hardware can use some of it with the wii - and not have to go out and buy the new console, plus controllers, plus memory, etc. For the family group the wii is targeting, this is a smart move.

The wii Remote This is the really cool part of the ent...more

Play Donkey Kong 1, 2, 3, Jr, And Mario Bros online Free Arcade And Nes

...Kong is a very popular Arcade title as well as sequels and Donkey Kong Jr/Math. They all have the same idea that Donkey Kong must stop Mario except in Donkey Kong 3 when Mario must stop Donkey Kong with a pesticide spray. They are all classic games that are not hard to memorize since the games are fairly short. Once you beat the games you are often started on a 2nd quest in which it is more difficult. If you beat the game again it repeats. This is yet another easy title to find onl...more

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