
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Universal Laws Of Nature - Beyond Emotion Finding Inner Stillness

A Revolution in the way humanity treats itself, and you. The Laws of Nature are a revolution in the way humanity treats itself and therefore a revolution in the way we treat ourselves. The Laws of Nature have the ability to transform the planet in their simpilicity, honesty and integrity. These Laws of Nature are universal laws and by implication, appear everywhere.

The search for truth, is the conscious search for these laws. Evidence of them can be found in music, in dance, in business, healing as well as relationships. The Laws of Nature are found in every walk of life. When we, our business and our humanity lives in harmony with Natures Laws we have success, love and happiness. When not, we have disaster. Our aim is to avoid the latter by sharing Natures Law, with all who are ready. The magnificence of Natures Law is found in simplicity.

In our complex world, we have the opportunity to simplify our understandings by relating everything to nature. Nature is the keeper of those ancient laws which stand the test of time. The forest, the ocean, the sky, species, rocks, plants, animals and insects all have a voice. It requires silence and wisdom to hear it. Chris interprets and applies the Laws of Nature with a single purpose -- to transform the way we live, Chris suggests its not what we think but how we think that will change the world. Nature thinks in accordance with her 5 laws, and when we tune into that we find the harmony for which we search. It can transform every individual, every business and ultimately our global humanity

Stepping out - A Gift of Love - A Global Opportunity

Move beyond that which is comfortable to that which is real. Every star in the universe and every cell in your body operates under the guidance of the five laws of nature. Therefore laws are self evident, universal, because by definition they operate in every walk of life. Imagine the impact on individuals, business and global development if we could share those five simple laws with billions and billions of people. We believe that this gift of love to the world, these five simple laws and the transformation they can make in peoples daily lives is a most inspirational opportunity. It is a phenomena that belongs to humanity.

For 10 years now, Chris Walker has shared these five laws with the world. Traveling ceaselessly he has presented keynotes to corporate audiences, undertaken suicide prevention with indigenous communities in Canada, run self development programs all over the world, taken people to his second home in the Nepalese Himalayas and done thousands upon thousands of one to one guidance sessions tto share this gift.

A Universal Law, by definition, operates everywhere. Nature is a mirror of those laws. Humanity is also a mirror of those laws. You know you are inspired, you know there is more to life and you know the value of simplicity to humanity. The Laws of Nature take you beyond the realms of morals and ethics, religion, cultures, wars and peace. You will see those laws mirrored in human dynamics, and distorted in human emotion, and our societies challenges. There is a breathtaking opportunity, one of the most precious gifts a person can imagine, understanding the laws behind the laws behind the laws, behind the laws of everything. This is where you will be challenged, inspired and you will feel your life touched deeply and lovingly.

How do the Laws of Nature affect you?

Following the Laws of Nature, you will rid yourself of clutter, physically and mentally as this will bring a purity to your life. If emotions start to obstruct your journey, by following some simple instructions, you will be able to transform any experience back to truth, love, spontaneously.

To grow spiritually, there is a merging of stillness and fluidity. Stillness is vital because unless the mind is still, it cannot find truth. Fluidity, because the world itself is fluid, ever changing around us in busy chance events. This is the skill, stillness and fluidity all at once.

Imagine spending a lot of time in nature, you are running your fingers over the solid trunk of a tree, picking up a stone and notice its aged patterns, examining the fragility of a leaf, and letting water flow through your fingers. With the study of lifes laws as mirrored in nature, you will see how every object of nature is obedient to the laws, bound to them inescapably. Then, you may reflect that we as humans, a part of nature, are also subject to the same laws. It is a magnificent awakening.

How can you apply the Laws of Nature in your life?

The Laws of Nature applied to Business and Leadership The laws of nature apply to business management and leadership. You can examine competitive strategy and how nature can predict competitive market dynamics. Further, you can examine critical issues reflected from the laws of nature in planning for the future, brand management, asset and resource structuring. Applying natures approach to sustainable leadership, teamwork, personal mastery and culture pin points, are the foundation of all hierarchies in nature.

The Laws of Nature applied to Staff Selection

Be in your Element is a revolution in self and other management. Created in Australia, based on ancient teachings, it presents a powerful way to encourage people to work and live in harmony with their natural best. Be in Your Element can transform workplaces, relationships and lifestyles. Just by knowing a persons Elemental Constitution, you will know the best way to manage, allocate work, inspire and avoid conflict. An organic, yet powerfully dynamic means of human development.

The Laws of Nature applied to Living Inspired

To be inspired is to be enthusiastic about life while remaining humble to it. Inspiration requires mastery of space, environment, mind, body and connection to a higher source. Chris will share a huge diversity of process to help you achieve this. Including Yoga, Tibetan meditation, mind power skills, body-mind energy projection, nerve calasthenics and creative skills. The end result is the ability to achieve a state of inspiration, anywhere, anytime no matter what the circumstance.

The Laws of Nature applied to Myself

Who am I? Where am I going? Why am I here? Where did I come from? How do I feel? What is natures intent for life. The 5 Laws of Nature can or could affect the way you life, think, love and work. Apply these laws to the judgments and expectations you have and see if they pass the acid test of the laws of nature. This is about acceptance and ownership.

The Laws of Nature Applied to Peace of Mind

The 5 Laws of Nature will be challenging some long-held beliefs and opening up new possibilities for your mind. The importance of personal truth, the difference between truth and perception and how to change it will create peace of mind.

The Laws of Nature Applied to Relationship

The five Laws of Nature applied to the dynamics of relationships, love, attraction, intimacy and the dynamics of families. Nature bridges the gap between aspiration and truth in the quest for a deeper, more loving relationship. Other keys we learn from natures laws are - Letting go, getting over the past, confidence, trust and attraction. This insight into the universal laws of love and conscious relationship will be a great gift to treasure and apply.

The Laws of Nature Applied to Health, Energy, Healing, Vitality

A walk in nature, stretching the body, connecting body and mind, moving energy with thought, healing wounds, preventing disease, living as nature intended, the importance of sunlight, posture and breath for youthfulness and longevity. Preventative maintenance and daily habits for healthy living. This is natures maintenance program, understanding the opportunities and the myths. This is not about mung beans and organic apples.

The Laws of Nature applied to Career and Work

In nature, everything has a purpose. Nature has a purpose and all the elements within her web serve that purpose. If a frog tried to become a bird, it would never be happy. In this session, a vital key is revealed through natures law regarding living from our heart, putting our heart into what we do. Natures Law shows us how. What did nature intend for our lives, what are your wishes, dreams and inspirations and how do they align with natures intention for your life? A Vision Quest is a creative opportunity to learn how to tune into natures voice and guidance, including your own body, Natures Bible.

The Laws of Nature applied to Global Contribution

Each and every seed in nature is unique. Its purpose is part of something beyond itself. As is ours. Our role in making a global contribution is called our life purpose. Bringing spirit to life. In tune with the Laws of Nature, knowing your life purpose is one of the most vital and inspirational possibilities in life.

Laws of Nature - The Future - Daily habits and rituals to connect to Your Spirit. Let nature be your guide.

Higher Thinking - Balance

What is Love but balance. This law of nature reveals the heartbreak, the failure and all suffering of humanity. A balanced mind, is natures mind, two sides revealed.

There are many negative or destructive forms of thought which react in every cell of your body. The strongest is fear and its child, worry. They bring tension to the body and mind leading to waste of energy, and either slow or rapid poisoning of the body. Rage, intense fear and shock are very violent and quickly intoxicate the system. Worry and other destructive emotions act more slowly but in the end have the same effect. Anger and intense fear stop digestive action. Higher thinking is therefore firstly about health and wellbing but ultimately, our affect on the world.


It is said in the east that on the spiritual path, the first thing to be learned is how to unlock what has already been learned then unlearn it. It requires humility and means letting go of our self-centered individuality. We must become flexible in our ways with an awareness that all our ideas and opinions are just a collection of erroneous facts that have been adopted as truth.

Letting go is the ultimate challenge in life. Letting go is the ultimate lesson in love. Letting go is hard to do. It is the most powerful testimony to the conflict between mind and love. Letting go of a lover, a loved one, a child a family. Letting go of a hope or a friendship, these are emotional and physical pains that only spiritual truth can resolve at their core, by turning emotion to love, evolution as nature intended.

Letting go is a powerful confrontation. It may be considered the greatest challenge of all. Because when mind and love come to argue the battle is fierce. Ultimately, only love can win, nature has determined it through her laws.


It is not the absence of possessions that frees a person, quite the opposite. But it is the absence of attachment, the absence of greed and the absence of fear that makes a person happy. Truly a happy person is happy, without anything, and equally happy with everything.

Victor Frankel reminds us that all things can be taken from us but we are still able to choose the abundance of our heart.

There is a lot of confusion about abundance in our society. People think that it is about wanting and having and getting and receiving. That is not true abundance because its connected with just one form of life.

Just throw away imaginary thoughts of things not yet here, and stand firm in that which you are Kabhir


Natures Laws in harmony with life - one moment standing in the midst of nature with an open heart is like a life time of fulfillment.

A lack of harmony has disastrous effects on the world, all the troubles on our earth come from this dissymmetry. All the tragedy in the world, in the individual and the multitude, comes from this lack of harmony, and harmony is best given by producing it in ones own life. We see that the world today needs harmony more than ever before.

If one is in tune with themselves and the rhythms of nature, then one moment standing in the midst of nature with an open heart is like a life-time of fulfillment.


Even an open heart will close, if the desires of the heart are not being expressed - the artist must paint, the sculptor must sculpt, the doctor must heal. All inner, personal work must result in action for this is the expression of inner Spirit. Expression is giving. Happiness and wellness depend on it.

Inspiration is when the inner voice speaks louder than the outer voice. In other words, self-motived people. At the heart of this philosophy is the acknowledgment that we need to bring new skills to everyday life to remain inspired. Sustaining our humanity as the world takes new shapes is vital and our connection to nature is becoming more important and more difficult. Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chriss work and journeys to Nepal, visit -

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Take Me Away Indulgence With Pool Spa And Sauna Luxury

Many of us want to be pampered and cared for. We love to get our hair shampooed and massaged when we get a hair cut, and we visit many restaurants just for the experience of being waited on. A pool spa and sauna session can leave you feeling very relaxed and refreshed. More and more ladies in particular, are getting their nails done on a regular basis, and many are adding a pedicure to go with it. Yes, we love to indulge ourselves with wonderful luxuries. We live in a society that is buying bigger homes, and more expensive cars than ever before. This article will talk about the benefits of indulging in a pool spa and sauna treatment.

More and more people are aware of the need to take care of their bodies. A pool spa and sauna session can be a very healthy experience for your body, and although each one is a little different, they have similar characteristics. All three can provide a heated sensation and heat can be very therapeutic to the body. Believe it or not, they all three can provide you with a cardio workout. How you might ask, can sitting in a spa or sauna compare to swimming a lap in a pool. The higher heat created in both the spa and sauna can raise your heart rate, and actually be compared to walking a brisk lap. Don't not do one of these three because it might be a little more effort on your part. Enjoy all the benefits you can receive from a pool spa and sauna session.

Many homes today are being completed with a pool spa and sauna. Why not, you could consider them as having a vacation at your own home year round. How many of us have gone to a hotel or motel and enjoyed the experience of a pool spa and sauna. Many I'm sure. It is probably pretty safe to say, that the motel choice could have been determined, by the amount of luxuries they offered. You can then leave your vacation behind, remembering all the extra pampering you received. Most hotels today offer a pool spa and sauna as one of their features just to lure you to their facility.

Don't be surprised if you find that your local gym has a pool spa and sauna in it as well. In the past, most people couldn't afford such a luxury for their own home, but they have become such a popular item that prices have come down quite a bit and now a pool spa and sauna are more affordable. Who said you couldn't have your cake and eat it too. You can enjoy a take me away experience in the privacy of your own property.

If you need more helpful Sauna information then quickly head over to where you will find helpful sauna tips, advice and resources to include home saunas, portable saunas and more Pool Spa And Sauna information.

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The Best VoIP Service - Sunrocket vs. Vonage and Packet8

Sunrocket internet phone service is one of the best VoIP deals available today for those looking for quality service at an inexpensive price. Once a very small player in the broadband phone game, Sunrocket has been growing by leaps and bounds and is now considered one of the best VoIP companies. With call quality comparable to top of the line broadband phone service providers Vonage and Packet8, Sunrocket is the leader when it comes to price.

Currently at $199 per year for unlimited local and long distance calling, Sunrocket will save you $100 a year compared to Vonages annual price of $299.88. Annual savings over Packet8s 12 month price of $239.88 is around $40. With call quality being about equal among these three VoIP providers, if youre looking for cheap unlimited local and long distance domestic phone service without a lot of extra bells and whistles, Sunrocket is the way to go.

Comparing VoIP Plans

All three providers include free Canada calling with their unlimited plans, online account management and billing, voicemail, voicemail to email, three way conference calling, call forwarding, call waiting, call return and speed dial. These basic features are pretty much standard among all VoIP service providers, and are included free. For most average telephone users who are used to land line service, these features are a nice bonus, as most POTS (plain old telephone service) users have to pay extra to get these enhancements.

Sun Rocket offers very low international rates, with many calling locations as low as .03 per minute. As a special promotion that has been running for some time, Sunrocket gives new subscribers a free cordless phone when they sign up via a referral.

At $24.99 per month, Vonage offers a larger set of features as well as unlimited international calling to most of Western Europe. Vonage has more enhanced features than Sunrocket, such as caller ID with name, call transfer, ring lists, international call blocking and click to call computer calling. International rates are very competitive.

For $19.99 per month, Packet8 also offers a larger set of free features with their unlimited local and long distance plan including caller ID blocking, anonymous call blocking, simultaneous ringing on multiple phone numbers, and a find me, follow me feature that can be set to ring different phone numbers one at a time until someone answers. Packet 8 also offers an optional video phone plan that is used with the video telephone they sell. This allows you to make videoconferencing phone calls with other video phone users. As like most VoIP providers, Packet 8 offers very competitive international rates. An unlimited international calling plan is available for an additional fee.

When comparing VoIP providers, you can see that all digital phone service plans are not created equal. If low cost is your primary goal, you make little to no international calls and you are happy with basic features, Sunrocket is a great choice. If you make frequent calls to Western Europe and want some extra features, Vonage is the option for you. If you want extra features, primarily call within the U.S. and Canada, or want to use video conferencing, Packet8 is an excellent choice.

No matter which internet phone service provider you choose, as long as you stick with a highly rated VoIP company that has a reputation for good voice quality of calls, you cant go wrong. Broadband phone service is the future of telecommunications, and you can save a lot of money on phone bills by switching to VoIP. The only requirement is a broadband internet connection. For home or small business users, cable internet service will provide the biggest savings, as most DSL service requires a land line telephone service account.

To learn more about Packet8 VoIP service, visit For more information on VoIP internet phone service, visit my blog: Internet Phone Service - The Future is Here.

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