
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What Exactly is a Yoga Swing? has become one of the fastest growing exercise industries. Through the system of stretches you can incorporate many tools and props into your routine. One type of prop is a yoga swing. If you are intrigued by yoga and interested in becoming more educated on what yoga, and particularly what a yoga swing, can do for you continue on.

The yoga Swing

Your basic yoga swing is constructed using an over head pull up bar, six individual handles that are attached to nylon rope and either a cushion or nylon sling. The swing has adjustable heights beginning at your feet level, then mid-level, and an overhead setting.

Now you can suspend the yoga swing. You can use a sturdy extension spring and hang it from an optional pyramid shaped support structure t...more

Yama and Niyama in yoga

... two major culprits which take you away from the truth.

Asteya (Non-theft): in Sanskrit, steya denotes the enjoyment or keeping with oneself the things that do not rightfully belong to them. This is basically the act of stealing or theft. A person is inclined to steal only when he has no love and has some selfish motive. A yogi or a student of yoga has very few basic needs. He has learnt the art of loving himself as well as the others. Hence he does not feel the need to exploit or steal from others.

Brahmacharya (Celibacy): sex has been defined as one of the vital necessities of human existence. It ranks next only to food. Since ancient times, very few people have been able to master their sexual urges. If not satisfied, these urges lead a person to depravation and develop psychotic tendencies. yoga lays a great stress on the celibacy. It considers not only the act of sex itself as sexual but even thinking, talkin...more

Building Stronger Arms Through yoga

...I was at work the other day and a co-worker of mine who takes yoga classes suddenly started pumping a 20 pound dumbbell he had nestled in his cubicle. Being that he does this rather frequently, I asked why and his response was Oh, my yoga classes dont do anything for my arms.

I looked at him puzzled and luckily for me, I had a draft of a book with photos of some yoga balancing poses and asked him if he had tried or even knew of them. Surprisingly, he said no and was now eager for me to demonstrate them to him.

This made me wonder, just how many other yoga enthusiasts are of the mindset that Yoga may be inadequate for building arm strength.

If you are such a person, nothing could be further from the truth.

Yoga is fantastic for building strength in the arms and although you may never see your biceps bulge throug...more

Yoga Tips for Managing Anxiety and Cultivating Positive Energy

... Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, high blood pressure, Parkinson's, Frederick's Ataxia Syndrome, and a variety of heart problems.

To practice any form of Yoga, with such grace, and to the best of your ability, is a monumental task. When I hear anyone, who can walk, or easily stand on two feet, make statements such as, Life isnt fair and I dont have enough time to take care of my health - it reminds me of Russell Conwell's book, Acres of Diamonds.

In a nutshell, most people do not see how truly lucky they are. Lifes treasures are right under our noses. Those who have faced major obstacles in life are the greatest mentors, guides, and teachers any one of us could ever have.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications<...more

Yoga Mat Bag Design


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